A Night Without Armor
For the upcoming audio release of Jewel's new book, Harper-Collins was unable to
include this finalized tracklisting on the graphics on the first (and probably most copies to be sold)
pressing of the" A Night Without Armour" CD.
This will be corrected on future pressings, but for now, or instead of buying it twice,
you may want to print this out as a way to identify this CD with 87 tracks.
The tracks are not in the same order as the book & not all of the poems in the
book are included so a tracklist may be very helpful. Special thanks to Mr. BB for this early list.
This is a color graphic that was designed to be printed for the back, under tray insert. Originally designed for color laser printing, so it is high resolution, 150 dpi, 882x694x16.7 million colors. Please download the full image and set your print settings accordingly for best results.

Official finalized tracklist on Jewel's "A Night Without Armour"
spoken word CD:
1. Intro
2. As A Child I Walked
3. Lost
4. Wild Horse
5. It Is Like A Dream
6. Bukowskys Widow
7. To Shine
8. Paramount Hotel, NY 9:34 AM
9. It Has Been Long
10. Too Many Nights
11. I Look At Young Girls Now
12. Seattle
13. Saved From Ourselves
14. Taking The Slave
15. Sun Bathing
16. Red Roof Inn, Boston
17. So Just Kiss Me
18. Second Thoughts In Columbus, Ohio
19. Cautious
20. The Dark Bells
21. The Inertia Of A Lonely Heart
22. Untitled
23. Communion
24. Love Poem
25. Father Of A Deaf Girl
26. Dionne & I
27. 1B
28. The Slow Migration Of Glaciers
29. Tai Pei #1
30. Tai Pei #3
31. Tai Pei #2
32. 1966
33. Watching A Couple On A Beach
34. Envy
35. The Magazine
36. Las Vegas
37. Those Certain Girls
38. #34
39. #35
40. Dylan
41. Camouflage
42. Sara Said
43. Parking Lot
44. Coffee Shop
45. I Say To You Idols
46. Steady Yourself
47. Awaken Love
48. Gather Yourself
49. Bleary Eyed
50. I Miss Your Touch
51. Night Falls
52. I Have Been Called Naive
53. Under Age
54. Grimshaw
55. My Dad Went To Vietnam
56. All The Words
57. You Are Not
58. The Strip #1
59. Infatuation
60. The Fall
61. Long Has A Cloak
62. Im Leaving
63. Freedom
64. To Be Alone
65. Christmas In Hawaii
66. Lovers For Lily
67. Cut Lillies
68. Preparing Myself
69. Spivey Leaks
70. Still Life
71. I Dont Suppose Raindrops
72. Sometimes
73. Blanketed By A Citris Smile
74. The Road
75. I Guess What I Wanted Was
76. Insecurity
77. I Am Patient
78. Fragile
79. I Keep Expecting You
80. #37
81. I Am In Love
82. Someone To Know Me
83. Home
84. Sauna
85. Goodness
86. God Exists Quietly
87. Listen
Jewel's Poetry
Jewel has included a portion of her poetry in Pieces Of You, Save The Linoleum and You Were Meant For Me.
These poems are available here:
Pieces Of You
I have blonde hair
I pluck my eyebrows
I have my father's nose
my mother's hands
I have crooked teeth
and green eyes
I play guitar
I used to get sick alot
I like the color of wine
I've cheated on boyfriends
I've owned fake ID
But my hair is still blonde
and my teeth are still crooked
and I probably won't always like
the color of wine
I have firm breasts
I have lips that always smile
I have veins that bleed
I laugh when I'm nervous
I feel the pain of others
but cry for no reason
I like open flame
I've been selfish since a child
I'm from Alaska
but hate the cold
I've cheated on diets
I've faked applications
But I still bleed
and my lips still smile
and my breasts won't
always be firm
I have strong shoulders
I have olive skin
I have a Swiss face I
borrowed from my grandmother
I have long nails on my right hand
which break regularly
My little toe is strange
I write
I used to make wreaths from dandelions
I brush my hair before bed
I cheated on tests
I faked flirtatious French accents
But I still have gold skin
and my nails still break
and I probably won't always have
strong shoulders
and I may not always write
But maybe I'll start
making wreaths
from dandelions again
Faith Poem
(a poem about Faith)
I don't know how to do anytthing
I am trying to move mountains with words
But I am an ant
I scribble
I drool
I move like a worm
whose world
encompassed a mile
How do I rise above?
Where will this worm
find wings?
I look in the mirror
and I see filth
Who is that?
Where did The Angel go?
Why is there dirt
staring back at me?
Why is the soil of
incompetence beneath my nails
Why does doubt paint
blue rings
beneath my eyes and
stain my skin
Why does my spine assume failure
Why do my lips
flirt with they sky;
why do I try to lasso
Beauty with such a
pitiful rope?
Where is the hair of Rapunzel
or Samson?
Where is my sling
Where is my stone,
My gun?
Where is the weapon with which
I may fight this apathy
that feels like sleep
in my limbs
that loosens my brother's smile
That kills my neighbor's daughter
This pen is scrawny and hardly
seems able to ink out
or erase this plague that
infests my
This Giant, This Ogre
This Beast, This Death
that assumes a million faces,
that borrows my own.
Leaving Las Vegas
Bill, Butch and Bart
Swapping penis size
in the front seat
while Thelma, Theisel and
Lou Lou up there
bouffant hairdos
and secretly go
where Blue eyeshadow
has never gone before
The savages are upon me
and I feel my flesh
beneath the teeth
of their indifference
I saw a woman
whose teeth were
straight like
White picket fensces
Until she looked
at her husband-
They they looked like
Shattered windows
Upon Moving Into My Van
Joy, Pure Joy, I am
What I always wanted
to grow up and be
Things are becoming
more of a dream with
each waking day-
The heavy brows of Daily Life
are becoming encrusted
with glitter and the shaking finger
of consequence is
beginning to giggle
Grumpy old men
have wings
Burns sport Halos
and everyday dullness
has begun to breathe
as I remember the
incredible lightness
of living
There is a pretty girl
on the
of the magazine
all I see
is my dirty
turning the page
Little breasts attached to
skinny ribs and hungry bellies
determined legs
persuasive swing
careful hands
she stands
a greater threat to herself
than the cigarette
she consumes
Las Vegas
Women who suck
their cigarettes
as though they were
giving their
hatred head
Save The Linoleum
Hommage To Home
For the sweat of my father
and the tough nails that broke his heart
for the sun on our backs and
the water on our brows
the heat on our minds
for the silent miles of dirt roads
Our eyes busy reading the
signs (on the days we took the car)
for bad meals turned good
by hunger, everything beatiful
in the red hot heat of our coal stove
for an honest sleep in
an old bed in an old house
built of hand and log
(had nothing been said all day?)
You Were Meant For Me
Flight #364
i miss you
my teeth ache
my bones are confused
they'd grown so close
my flesh cries like children
i speak to them in hush
it's not fair they say
bring him back!
beg him stay!
it's not up to me. i try to explain
but mind can't make heart understand
it does not whimper
its one lashed eye keeps blinking
it insists simply with quiet disbelief
I go back today
back to where I must move from
my toothbrush no longer welcome
my clothing canker sores
my altar a wound
whose bleeding can only stop
when there's nothing left
to remind him of me
(I don't wanna go)
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